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Object snap

Object snap or Osnap is a facility that helps us to determine a point on the object that we do.
Otmatis Osnap can be activated from the menu Tools> Drafting Setings> Object Snap Tab
or via the Command line: "OSNAP" / "OS". To activate it, click on the check box "Object Snap On".
Easily we can also change the status of OSNAP be ON or OFF by pressing the "F3" or tab "OSNAP" at the bottom of the screen.
Under conditions of active OSNAP, AutoCAD will display the snap points on an object when we draw.
Osnap also be raised on the flyout menu with menkan the shift key on the keyboard and click the right mouse button simultaneously.
or via the Command line: "OSNAP" / "OS". To activate it, click on the check box "Object Snap On".
Easily we can also change the status of OSNAP be ON or OFF by pressing the "F3" or tab "OSNAP" at the bottom of the screen.
Under conditions of active OSNAP, AutoCAD will display the snap points on an object when we draw.
Osnap also be raised on the flyout menu with menkan the shift key on the keyboard and click the right mouse button simultaneously.

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  • 1 komentar untuk "Object snap"

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